The reason for the origin of the blue heelers blue heels because of the so-called Turkish name, also refers to the dog's output. This name, which is worn by migrants and farm owners due to its blue colors, has also led to the use of the same name in races with dogs of this race. Since the beginning of the 20th century, the Australian cattle shepherd dog, who was tied to his planned upbringing, is also known as Australian Heeler.
Australian Cattle Herding Character Characteristics
australia-sigir-cobani-kopegi The dogs of this breed, which have been developed specifically to meet the need in the farm, are always dogs that need to engage in mental and physical activity. When the dog is alone or does not find an occupation that encourages its mobilization, the dogs of this race may cause them to disintegrate. In order to live together, it is necessary to give the struggles that will ensure that the dogs of the race are always entertained or active. The most characteristic feature is the Australian shepherd's dog guarding its territory, but does not allow foreigners to enter the area. These dogs, known as one of the most loyal races to their owners, were also nicknamed the shade because they did not leave their owners.
Although it has a very intelligent and intelligent structure that can learn easily, it stands out with its stubbornness from its protective features. However, this situation can be attracted to reasonable levels through the continuous training of positive feedback. The Australian cattle shepherd dog, who has a much more positive attitude with his activities that will enable intensive activity, education and socialization, is also one of the most suitable races to act together. However, it protects the owners of the dangers from the environment during the marches.
Physical Characteristics of Australian Shepherd Dog
The Australian cattle shepherd dog, which draws attention at first with its extremely strong physical structure, is a dog that has sheer ears in the mid-hips in addition to its robust structure. These dogs, which make a difference with their color that separates one half from the other, also draws attention with their red patches and different colors that look like stained. Black or earth-colored general color can be colored in different colors. The first appearance of their offspring after they grow is made up of white patched faces, while the age of the dogs can reach their own dog color.
Australian Shepherd Dog Care
In addition to being a dog that needs constant attention and attention, she also takes great care in the care of a Australian cattle dog, who may also have to deal with it. These dogs, which require grooming, should be brushed at regular intervals, although not regularly, with the help of a brush. In addition to these screening requirements, which are only required for seasonal transitions, it is expected that washing of dogs is rarely performed.
Reproduction and Genetic Diseases
australia-sigir-cobani-kopegiAs a very productive breed of breeders in Australian cattle herding, which has managed to become one of the best breeds on these issues with its care, protection and loyalty to its owners. During the reproduction of dogs, people must be careful about hereditary diseases. The most important genetic disease encountered in this race is deafness. In addition to deaf living births, there may be various problems due to the retina in dogs eyes due to genetic reasons. A dog breached and asabalimated when he was lonely and could harm objects around him, these dogs could be ideal during his care with his own offspring and his family. These dogs, which are the ideal race for garden houses, farms and similar areas, have a life span of 10 to 13 years.